IT Resources as a Sevice
Virtual Server as a Service, Software as a Service, Storage as a Service
Virtual Server as a Service (IaaS, Infrastructure as a Service) – You can hire a virtual server machine with technical parameters and performance according to your software application requirements. On this server you can install your own software or use software to rent (SaaS, Software as a Service). You can also rent a storage space to back up your files.
Thus you can rent access to our IT infrastructure and have the ability to scale services up and down according to your varying requirements, but you do not care for the operation and maintenance of the infrastructure.
Services could be used over the Internet or through a virtual private network (VPN).
You pay for the service monthly subscription fee, which if formed individually for each client depending on his requirements for IT resources.
Your Benefits:
- This model saves you significant costs for purchasing hardware equipment, software licenses, installation and configuration services; you do not care for upgrading the equipment and software;
- You save costs for IT professional services for hardware support and software updates; your data is safely backed up and reserved;
- You save additional costs associated with the use of your own equipment – electricity, air conditioning, security, office area, etc.;
- Your IT costs are predictable and you can safely plan your budget for the next period;
- Service availability – 24 х 7 х 365;
- Access to the services from anywhere in the world where an Internet connection is available;
- Confidentiality, reliability and safety.
The service is particularly suitable for:
- start-ups;
- business depending on the season;
- companies with several offices in different cities and mobile employees;
- companies in need of temporary IT resources;
- companies in need of backup Data Center;
- …… any company or organization .